Before You Start

How to get Matthew Land (NFT)?

Account Registration

Withdraw & Deposit

General Knowledge

Economic Model Overview

Production Efficiency

Matthew Store

Currency & Other NFT

City Building & Development

Matthew Land (NFT)

Building & Production

Matthew Lab

Cargo Ship (Trade)


Soldier & Combat


Definition of Production Efficiency

  1. All production-type buildings in your Matthew Land have a production efficiency attribute.
  2. The base production efficiency of each production building is 100%, indicating the time taken for each product to be produced in the building at the system-defined base value.
  3. When production efficiency is increased, the time taken for products to be produced will be reduced, and when production efficiency is decreased, the time taken for products to be produced will be increased.

Base Efficiency

Base Efficiency

Affected Efficiency: Decreased

Affected Efficiency: Decreased

Affected Efficiency: Increased

Affected Efficiency: Increased

Factors that Affect Production Efficiency

Buildings in your Matthew Land can be influenced by the surrounding terrain (Matthew Land) or other buildings.

Environmental Impact (Building)

  1. Shade: When a building is obstructed by other buildings, its production efficiency will be reduced. If the building has an obstruction immunity attribute, its production efficiency will not be affected.
  2. Contamination: When a building is polluted by other buildings, its production efficiency will be reduced. If the building has a pollution immunity attribute, its production efficiency will not be affected.

Below is the list of buildings with different environmental impacts:


Surrounding Terrain Impact (Matthew Land)

Surrounding Terrain

Surrounding Terrain

  1. Sea Terrain: Building salt fields close to the sea in your Matthew Land on the first three rows can accelerate the production of crude salt (directly increasing production efficiency) and is not affected by shade or contamination.
  2. River Terrain: Buildings that are constructed close to the river in your Matthew Land on the first five rows will obtain Water immediately. The closer the building is to the river, the more water it will obtain. For example: 1st row +5 Water, 2nd row +4 Water, and vice versa.
  3. Mining Terrain: Building iron ore machine and coal ore machine near the mining area in your Matthew Land on the first three rows (directly increasing production efficiency) can accelerate the production of iron ore, copper mine, coal, and silicon and are not affected by shade or contamination.