
The Matthew Lab is an important resource conversion facility that allows players to convert different materials into more valuable items, equipment, and currencies to obtain more profits. The higher the quality of the lab, the higher the conversion efficiency, and more recipes can be unlocked, and more production lines can be opened.

The Matthew Lab is the cornerstone that defines how much Matthew Coin a player can earn.

Before You Start

How to get Matthew Land (NFT)?

Account Registration

Withdraw & Deposit

General Knowledge

Economic Model Overview

Production Efficiency

Matthew Store

Currency & Other NFT

City Building & Development

Matthew Land (NFT)

Building & Production

Matthew Lab

Cargo Ship (Trade)


Soldier & Combat


Lab Initial Quality

The quality of Matthew Land (NFT) decides the conversion efficiency of your Matthew Lab. The higher the quality of the lab, the more Matthew coins will be produced (Legend > Epic > Rare > Common> Worn Out).

Lab Conversion

Matthew Coin Conversion

Matthew Coin Conversion

Matthew Coin Conversion

To generate Matthew Coin, players need to convert Meteorite Fragments obtained from exploring Soldier Instances into the lab. The higher the quality of the lab, the more efficient the conversion process becomes, allowing players to earn more Matthew Coin per unit of Meteorite Fragment converted.

Soldier Enhancement Material Conversion

Soldier Enhancement Material Conversion

Material Conversion

The lab can also convert normal Soldier Books into higher-level Soldier Books or Enhancement Chips, which are used to strengthen soldiers and improve their combat capabilities.

Recipe & Production Line

Recipe & Production Line


You can choose any recipe in the list to convert, but you need to have enough materials and idle production lines, recipes can be unlocked by increasing the level of the Matthew Lab.

Production Line

To increase production capacity, players can activate more production lines in the Matthew Lab. This allows them to produce multiple items simultaneously, making their production process more efficient.

Upgrading Matthew Lab

Upgrading your Matthew Lab is essential to unlocking more recipes and blueprints that can generate a higher amount of Matthew Coins or Soldier Enhancement Material.



To upgrade the lab, players must explore Science Instance and collect Space Ore. With enough Space Ore, players can boost the conversion efficiency of the Matthew Lab and unlock new recipes.

Level Materials Num
1 Lab upgrade materials 1 1
2 Lab upgrade materials 1 2
3 Lab upgrade materials 2 80
4 Lab upgrade materials 2 160
5 Lab upgrade materials 3 300
6 Lab upgrade materials 3 300
7 Lab upgrade materials 4 400
8 Lab upgrade materials 4 400
9 Lab upgrade materials 5 500
10 Lab upgrade materials 5 500
11 Lab upgrade materials 6 600
12 Lab upgrade materials 6 600
13 Lab upgrade materials 7 700
14 Lab upgrade materials 7 700
15 Lab upgrade materials 8 700
16 Lab upgrade materials 8 700
17 Lab upgrade materials 9 700
18 Lab upgrade materials 9 700
19 Lab upgrade materials 10 800

Energy Supply

Energy supply is key to the number of production lines available in your Matthew Lab. By staking Matthew Coin, you can activate additional production lines and expand your production capacity.


Energy Supply Level

The initial energy supply level of every Matthew Lab is Lv.1, regardless the Land quality. Supplying energy to the laboratory can increase the energy supply level. The higher the level, the more production lines will be opened.

Number of production lines Matthew Coin Consumption
1 0
2 150,000
3 350,000
4 1,000,000
5 2,000,000
6 3,500,000
7 4,000,000
8 4,000,000
9 5,000,000