Before You Start

How to get Matthew Land (NFT)?

Account Registration

Withdraw & Deposit

General Knowledge

Economic Model Overview

Production Efficiency

Matthew Store

Currency & Other NFT

City Building & Development

Matthew Land (NFT)

Building & Production

Matthew Lab

Cargo Ship (Trade)


Soldier & Combat


The main way to generate Gold Coin is through Cargo Ship, which lets players to trade their resources and crops for Gold Coin.

Trade with Cargo Ship


Click on the Cargo Ship to trade. When the number of selected items available for sale is sufficient, and there is a certain amount of energy blocks as fuel, the trade can be Started.

<aside> 💡 Ship Deck’s quality and capacity decide the required unit for item for sale and required amount of energy block for each trade.



Trading Speed & Capacity

The spaceship goes to space for trade, which is going to take some time. The Ship Deck decides the speed and capacity of the Cargo Ship.

Collect Reward

Collect Reward

Collect Gold Coin

When the spaceship returns, click on the returned spaceship to collect the rewards.

<aside> ⚠️ Every ship deck is the same for now as more update will be released in the future such as upgrading the capacity and speed.
