Before You Start

How to get Matthew Land (NFT)?

Account Registration

Withdraw & Deposit

General Knowledge

Economic Model Overview

Production Efficiency

Matthew Store

Currency & Other NFT

City Building & Development

Matthew Land (NFT)

Building & Production

Matthew Lab

Cargo Ship (Trade)


Soldier & Combat


The in-game store in Project Matthew is a key feature that allows players to purchase a variety of items using Gold Coin and Matthew Coin. These items can help speed up the development of your space city and enhance your soldiers' abilities. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the basic functions of the in-game store and the types of items that can be purchased.

In-game Store

Home menu > Shop

Home menu > Shop

In-game store

In-game store

Construction Store

In the construction store, players can spend a certain amount of Gold Coin or Matthew Coin to select a particular building for construction.

Construction Store

Construction Store

<aside> 📢 Currently, there are no items available in the construction store, but it will be updated periodically, please stay tuned.
