

Equipment Type Quality Material A Material B
Drakescale Plate Armor Legendary Dragon Scales Twilight Star
Dragon Stomp Boots Legendary Dragon Claws Aqua Essence
Drakeskull Helm Helmet Legendary Dragon Horns Soul Crystal
Touch of Dragon Gloves Legendary Dragon Wings Mystic Flower
Drakescale Aegis Shield Legendary Dragon Bones Ghost Bone
Dragonslayer Sword Legendary Dragon Wings Dragon Hearts
Drakeshiv Dagger Legendary Dragon Claws Dragon Hearts
Call Of Dragon Rod Legendary Dragon Horns Dragon Hearts
Stormplate Armor Epic Stone of War Volcanic Magma
Storm Boots Boots Epic Thunderstone Fairy Dust
Storm Helm Helmet Epic Thunderstone Holy Crystal
Storm Gauntlets Gloves Epic Thunderstone Ancient Rune
Stormshield Shield Epic Stone of War Giant Bone
Storm Sword Sword Epic Unicorn Horn Holy Crystal
Storm Dagger Dagger Epic Unicorn Horn Ancient Rune
Stormrod Rod Epic Unicorn Horn Fairy Dust
Golden Armor Armor Elite Mithril Golden Wolfskin
Golden Boots Boots Elite Gold Ingot Golden Wolfskin
Golden Helm Helmet Elite Gold Ingot Crystal Stone
Golden Gauntlets Gloves Elite Gold Ingot Crystal Stone
Golden Shield Shield Elite Mithril Golden Troll Blood
Golden Sword Sword Elite Philosopher's Stone Golden Troll Blood
Golden Dagger Dagger Elite Philosopher's Stone Golden Troll Blood
Golden Rod Rod Elite Philosopher's Stone Golden Troll Blood
Chain Mail Armor Excellent Wrought Iron Mithril
Leather Armor Armor Excellent Wrought Iron Cotton
Sturdy Boots Boots Excellent Wrought Iron Beast Leather
Sturdy Helm Helmet Excellent Wrought Iron Beast Leather
Sturdy Gauntlets Gloves Excellent Wrought Iron Beast Leather
Sturdy Shield Shield Excellent Wrought Iron Cotton
Silver Sword Sword Excellent Forged Steel Silver Ingot
Silver Dagger Dagger Excellent Forged Steel Silver Ingot
Silver Rod Rod Excellent Forged Steel Silver Ingot
Old Clothes Armor Common Fabric Oak
Old Boots Boots Common Fabric Old Leather
Old Helm Helmet Common Fabric Old Leather
Old Gloves Gloves Common Fabric Old Leather
Old Shield Shield Common Fabric Oak
Bronze Sword Sword Common Fabric Copper Ingot
Bronze Dagger Dagger Common Fabric Copper Ingot
Bronze Rod Rod Common Fabric Copper Ingot